Wednesday, January 20, 2010

What can you do at 80 without a group? Part II: tangible rewards in Azeroth and Outland

Last week, I wrote a post about what one can do at 80 that doesn't involve grouping, the Argent Tournament, or doing dailies just to make money. Turns out there wasn't a whole lot to do at 80 that didn't fall under those categories, so now I'll be going over things one can do at 80 in Outland or Azeroth to pass the time. I'll be ignoring achievements and reputations grinds without any real rewards, so that leaves out running old 5-mans and raids and getting exalted with superfluous factions. I'll try to stick to things that only have tangible rewards. Sadly, this means the ideas below will mostly concern aesthetic things like mounts and pets, which have timeless value, since pre-Wrath gear isn't very useful now.

Get exalted with Netherwing and get a Netherdrake mount.
If you didn't get epic flying before Wrath hit, you probably never got exalted with Netherwing, which is a shame. Netherwing not only offers some of the coolest mounts in the game, but some of the funnest dailies, too. (Booterang, anyone?) If you have never had the joy of getting exalted with Netherwing, you should start by getting epic flying. Then head to Shadowmoon Valley in Outland and start with the quest Kindness. After finishing that quest chain (and assuming you have epic flying), you'll be able to do the Netherwing dailies. They don't start out that fun, but they get much better as your reputation gets higher.

Farm Baron Rivendare for his mount.
This is one of the classic WoW time-killers. Having never done it myself (I like pets more than mounts), I can't give you much advice, but I'm sure the wowhead comments section will help you there. This will have you heading to Stratholm to farm the final boss over and over and over and over again. One comment seemed particularly important, so I'll reprint it here: "You have to kill the bosses outside those necropolis things and beat-up the acolytes inside to actually open the gate the Baron."

Farm some classic pets.
Here is a small selection to get you started. The four classic whelplings will certainly take you a long time if you wish to farm them yourself, rather than buying them. Their drop rates range from 0.1% to 0.4%. Looking for a more hard core grind? You can also try going for the Disgusting Oozeling, which seems to have a .15% chance of dropping for each ooze you kill. If you are really crazy, you can go for the Hyacinth Macaw, which appear to have a .01% chance of dropping. That's 1 in 10,000. Good effin' luck.

Level your professions and secondary skills.
As I mentioned in my last post, if your professions and secondary skills aren't at 350 or higher, you'll need to head to Azeroth or Outland to do what you need to do to level them (with the exception of fishing). If your cooking is languishing in the double digits, why not bring it up to speed? Believe me, being able to make your own buff food is an amazing thing.

To avoid redundancy, I didn't include things in this post that I already went over in my post on how to pick a side hobby, so look there for more suggestions.

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