Monday, January 25, 2010

Druids, remember when...?

This mostly applies to feral druids, since that is what I leveled as during the days of vanilla WoW. Anyways, players like to complain about how their class is falling behind on the damage meters or some other class is getting ahead of them, but we often forget just how far we've come. Druids, remember when...

-Bear Form's armor bonus was 65%, and Dire Bear Form's armor bonus was 120%?
-Our feral 31-point talent reduced the cost of our shapeshifting spells by 25%? Incidentally, remember when our talent trees were around half of their current size?
-Innervate was a restoration talent? We ferals couldn't use it to restore mana on the fly.
-Our shapeshifting forms didn't have dances? Where would we be right now were it not for the Bear Form dance?
-We couldn't talk to quest givers or vendors while in Cat or Bear Form? Maybe it wasn't that big of a deal, but it was very annoying.
-We couldn't use items in our shapeshifting forms, and we had to make macros to use healing potions?
-We had separate itemization from rogues? Though we certainly used rogue leather for DPS, our leather was much better for tanking, the only role we could do late in endgame.
-Swipe (Bear) could only hit three targets at a time? This was back in the day when crowd control was actually used and kill orders were actually followed. If you tank wasn't a paladin, you didn't have any other choice.
-Swipe (Cat) didn't exist? Cats had no AoE options other than Hurricane, and that was on a one-minute cooldown.
-Innervate was spirit based and would only restore about 30% of a feral druid's mana? (20% after the spirit nerf)
-All cats and bears looked the same? I needn't remind you that they were also all butt-ugly (except the Night Elf cat form).

We have certainly come a long way, haven't we?

Last edited 2/6/2010, 7:38 PM


  1. Remember when you saw another druid out in the world (back when people actually played in know, the WORLD of warcraft) - and you were too dumbfounded to realize that YES THERE'S OTHER DRUIDS - I'M NOT THE ONLY ONE - to even bother *thinking* about attacking?

    And the shock several months or years later when you just got attacked by another druid out in the open world. Or the guilt you felt the first time you attacked.

  2. I leveled on a PvE server, so I sadly never got to experience the "druid truce," though I did experience the feelings of "holy crap, another druid!"
