Monday, January 4, 2010

5 things every druid should do at some point

There were some similar lists on for mages and paladins, so I figured I'd write here about what all druids should do at some point.

Try out as many roles as possible.
Druids are special in that they are the only class in the game that can do every role in a party: tank, melee DPS, ranged DPS, and healer. Trying out more than one role will give you the perspective you need to be a better player in whatever role you usually do. It's a shame to level a druid to 80 and only take advantage of one of these options. This flexibility is the druid class's greatest strength. Whereas other people need to take the time to level another character if they want to try another role, as a druid, it's all available to you with just a change of gear and spec. For that reason, you should also use instance drops to build an off-set for whatever roles you may want to try; it's much better than starting from scratch.

Do the Swift Flight Form quest line.
Even if you learned Swift Flight Form from a trainer, this quest line is still worth doing. It's epic, it forces your to take advantage of most of your skills as a druid, (well, it did at level 70, at least), it gives you some insight into what is going on in the Emerald Dream, and it gives you the ability to summon Anzu, allowing you to get the Reins of the Raven Lord. Blizzard has been adverse to put in class-specific quests as of late, so it's worth doing the few they put in for us.

Go into Swift Flight Form, fly up high, dismiss it, cast some spells, and go back into it.
Ah, the simple pleasures of being a druid. You should also try flying up very high or jumping off of a high ledge and using Swift Flight Form right before you hit the ground.

Roll a Shaman.
I know, I know, here I am, a dedicated druid, telling you that you should go level another class. Why? Because Shamans are really fun, that's why. Enhancement, the Shaman's best leveling tree (and their most fun one, in my opinion) is a spec that gets more and more fun as you level, never disappointing you. Their hybrid nature also makes Shamans pretty similar to a Druid, and a while you, as a druid, are locked in one role at a time because of the need to shift into specific forms, Shamans (especially the enhancement ones) don't face such a limitation. Seriously, just try one; you won't regret it.

Go into Deadmines and kill as many enemies as possible at once.
What you do is run through the instance, picking up as many enemies as you can without killing them, then ending the whole thing in ten seconds with Swipe. What follows is the most satisfying sea of numbers flying across the screen and probable lag that you will ever see. Here are some tips to make it an even more satisfying experience.
-Dispel Thorns before doing it, so the enemies attacking you won't die as you are running.
-Get their attention with Demoralizing Roar so you don't damage them and risk killing them. This will also reduce the damage they do to you.
-Spec feral with Improved Leader of the Pack. If you health runs low, auto-attack some of the enemies following you so that you can heal yourself with it.
-There are gates that only open after each boss is defeated. You'll need to go through them with enemies in tow if you want this to be a truly grand experience. To do this, target the boss as you approach them, then use Mangle and Lacerate to bring them down so you don't kill any other enemies. Sneed presents some unique difficulties since you need to kill his shredder, then target and kill him. If you can't see him in the crowd of enemies around you, just use tab until you find him. It works for me.
Yes, this will create a massive repair bill without giving you the money to pay it off. Do it anyways. Why? Because you are a druid, and you can. Do you need any more of a reason?


  1. Hey, just wanted so say I'm having lots of fun reading through your posts, finding them both entertaining and informative. And I just couldn't help but point out that if you're having fun swift flight form, take precausions and go naked. Don't know how many times I'm experienced lagg -cough- okay, so I was too slow and gone -SPLAT- instead flightform!win /soar

  2. Make a macro

    /target sneed
