Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Druid healing in heroics in flowchart form

I have resigned myself to doing heroics so I can get a cloak for when I level from 80 to 85, and in order to save my sanity, I have decided to run them as a healer. I find healing to be a much more relaxing job than tanking, and with all of the gear everyone has, healing in heroics has become quite simple--so simple, in fact, that it can be reduced to a flow chart, which is exactly what I have done here. For the sake of ease of use, I have highlighted the starting point of the chart in a red box.

Click for the full size.

When spells are put in pairs or triplets, use them in order from let to right. For the sake of space, I used icons rather than spell names. Here's a visual guide in case the spells aren't familiar to you.

= Healing Touch

= Lifebloom

= Nature's Swiftness

= Nourish

= Rejuvenation

= Regrowth

= Revive

= Swiftmend

= Tranquility

= Wild Growth

Note that this post is only meant to visually cover what spells to use for restoring health. For a more complete guide to druid healing, I highly recommend Lissanna's healing guide. I was going to write more on the other points of druid healing, but I am too busy to do so this week; expect more info on druid healing in heroics next week.


  1. Oh wow. This makes tree healing look so complex... I like the Revive there :D

    I'll give readers a different version, for geared resto druids:
    1. Rejuv the tank
    2. (Optional) WG the group
    3. Afk until the Rejuv runs out
    4. Collect emblems

    (and I'm not kidding, this is what I usually do in heroics...)

    [Also, I haven't used LB in aaaaageeees...]

  2. Your version is pretty much what I usually do in heroics too, but this guide was meant for people who can't heal the group using only rejuvenation and wild growth, such as if they are still gearing up.

    As for Lifebloom, I included it because, if you let it bloom, it is our cheapest spell, so if you need to heal someone for only a little bit of damage, it's the way to go. It also heals every second, rather than every three seconds, meaning it will start healing sooner than rejuvenation.

  3. You could even have simplified it further by combining the Constant/Spike Damage choice for "Everyone", seeing as they're near enough exactly the same.

    Also, I used to use Lifebloom (before 4.0.1, when this chart was relevant) when everyone was on full health (or near enough) to avoid wasting a Clearcasting proc, I would still get half the mana cost returned to me even though I didn't have to spend any to cast it :)

    Other than that, yeah I pretty much used Jen's technique, I'd even dps in step 3 if bored, or sometimes for a challenge I'd try healing in my RP gear :P
