Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Heroic achievements you should go for now that everyone outgears heroics, Part I

Thanks to the new emblem system, everyone and their mother is running around it high-level epics. This means that many heroic-dungeon achievements that were once very difficult have now become easy by virtue of the sheer amount of damage and healing everyone can put out. As such, when you get the following heroics as your daily random, consider going after these achievements. It won't take you much effort, and it will break up the repetition. In fact, I got many of them without even going for the directly, and the rest required little change in their respective boss's general strategy.

Note: I will only be including achievements that are made easier by out-gearing the instance and that don't require a very different strategy from running the boss as usual. As such, the various Void achievements and their ilk won't be included here.

Ahn'kahet: The Old Kingdom

Volunteer Work
Now that Jedoga Shadowseeker only calls on one twilight volunteer, this is ever easier than it was before. Simply let the volunteer walk to her and heal through the extra damage she does. Melee DPS should run out of range when she uses her Cyclone Strike, since that 200% damage boost means it will likely kill them. If the tank has good gear, he can likely eat that damage and shouldn't need to run out. Aside from that, easy ten achievement points.

Volazj's Quick Demise
Given a well-geared group, this one will come without difficulty. Just make sure everyone knows what they are doing and brings down the insanity adds quickly. I personally find that focusing on one at a time is faster than trying to AoE them down.


Hadronox Denied
For this one, you need to kill Hadronox before he can prevent more adds from spawning by placing a web over the entrance they spawn from. This means you'll be dealing with the adds and the boss itself. If you out-gear the instance, it's a simple matter of killing the trash before him as quickly as you can and engaging him, keeping the adds off of your healer, for unless the tank can't handle the damage caused by the adds, the DPS should be focusing on the boss only.

Gotta Go!
With enough DPS, this one will come easily. Make sure your DPS use their cooldowns as soon as the fight starts, since he'll likely take damage from the DoTs while he is underground, and thus the other stages of the fight won't last as long as the 100%-75% stage.

Drak'Tharon Keep

Oh Novos!
I got this one back before everyone out-geared heroics, so it's not that difficult. Just don't let the adds reach the floor. As someone who doesn't DPS, I don't really know what the logistics of preventing them from reaching the floor are, but if someone could enlighten me in the comments, I will add that part of the strategy here and give that person credit.

Better Off Dred
There are a total of seven raptors, so you can kill one before engaging the boss to make this a bit easier. Let Dred walk over to you so you don't need to kill any raptors to get to him. Have your tank pick him up, then have your tank run through and pick up some raptors to kill too. Make sure your DPS doesn't focus on the boss until you have killed six raptors. Dred's fear could make this difficult, but your healer can out-range it (its range is 35 yards), so he can heal you through it.


Snakes. Why'd It Have To Be Snakes?
Kill Slad'ran fast enough and you won't get snake wrapped. I have never been able to find a reliable pattern as to who the snakes snake-wrap and why, but have found that if you kill Slad'ran fast enough and ignore the snakes, it won't matter.

What the Eck?
While fighting Eck the Ferocious, you'll need to stand in front of him so he can hit you with his Eck Spit, which will leave an hour-long debuff on you. The debuff doesn't actually do anything, but you need it active when you defeat Gal'darah if you want the achievement. Note that dying, Divine Shield, Ice Block, and Cloak of Shadows will remove the debuff. Also note that you may resist the spit if you have any nature resistance, so remove natural resistance buffs before you engage Eck. Eck Spit causes quite a bit of avoidable damage (well, it was quite a bit back in the day), so a good tank will position Eck so that he faces away from the group. As such, you'll likely need to be proactive and move to stand next to or behind the tank if you want this achievement.

Halls of Lightning

Lightning Struck
You need to clear the trash before Bjarngrim before you can engage him and get this achievement. Make sure that he has the temporary electric charge and don't pick up any extra trash, and with good enough gear, you should manage this one.

Shatter Resistant
Volkhan can't shatter the adds if they are still alive, so if you just burn him down and trust the tank to hold the adds, this one is pretty easy. With enough DPS, this one becomes trivial with this strategy (though I suppose that is true for most of these achievements). If that doesn't work for you, you can kite the boss around the room so the adds never reach him, but that defeats the purpose of including this achievement in this article in the first place.

Timely Death
If you stand next to Loken during the whole battle and don't move out of his Lightning Nova, this one is a breeze, assuming your healer can heal the damage from Lightning Nova. This is another one I got back in the day before everyone out-geared heroics, so it's not so hard. Just stand right next to him and don't let up your DPS.

If you have good enough gear, you can probably get most of these without even consciously going for them. Still, they provide a nice little diversion when the only thing that stands between you and your emblems is a boss who can't really kill you. I'll discuss the other pre-3.2 heroics next week.

Finally, though it is not relevant to this post, I would just like to say that I am honored that considered one of my posts significant enough to post a stand-alone post in response to it. Thanks for the mention, guys!*

*I just thought I should mention that I am from New England, where "guys" can be used to refer collectively to men and women. I know this isn't the case everywhere, so I just thought I'd clarify that to avoid being misunderstood.

1 comment:

  1. oh novos....

    as a dk, all i have ever done is stop the adds from getting to the bottom, just run in, death & decay so u got teh aggro, even throw out army for sh!ts n giggles... its has to be the easiest of things to do, i mostly do this now without the need for the healer to pop a hot on me every now and then, butofc as a dk u really shouldnt...

    was my 1st hc achi n i did it in a full set of blue gear
