Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Heroic achievements you should go for now that everyone outgears heroics, Part II

This post is a continuation of my last advice post. Without any further ado, let's get right to it.

Halls of Stone

Brann Spankin' New
You'll get this one if none of the enemies during the Tribunal of Ages encounter ever attack Brann. This one was pretty easy before the new emblem system, so it's easy-sauce now. Just have you tank stand on the stairs so he can catch any enemies before they go for Brann.

Good Grief
The Maiden of Grief needs to die very quickly for you to get this one. This one is easy if your DPS are geared enough; otherwise, you probably won't get it. If you could faceroll your way through the trash as a group, then you should be able to get this one.

The Culling of Stratholme

The Culling of Time
In the olden days, it was a challenge to get to the end of the instance fast enough to kill the Infinite Corrupter in time. Since Patch 3.3 came out, I have yet to be a part of a group that hasn't killed him. I always have about three or five minutes to spare with this one, so it's quite easy. Just don't get lost and make sure you tell Arthas to continue as soon as you are able.

The Oculus

Make It Count
I'll admit, you'll need to be fast to make this one happen, but as long as you have run Oculus before and know what you are doing, you can do it. The trouble is getting grouped with four people who know what they are doing, since needing to explain the dungeon and guide lost group members is the one thing that will add more time to the time it takes you to complete this dungeon than anything else.

The Violet Hold

A Void Dance
Zuramat is a difficult boss, and your successfully completing this achievement hinges on two things: your healer being able to heal through the extra damage you will receive by not killing his void sentries, and your DPS being good enough to burn him down such that the damage caused by the sentries doesn't overwhelm your healer. When he summons sentries, only one person will be able to see each one and kill him, so your entire group will need to be on board for this. Kill him without attacking the sentries and this achievement will be yours.

There are switches around the room that activate beams that will damage your enemies. The only time you should need to use them is while fighting Ichoron, so just don't use them unless you get her as a boss and you'll satisfy that part of the achievement. As for not letting the trash hit the shield, as long as your tank knows what he is doing, that shouldn't be a problem. If you are the tank, know that the adds that spawn from the north-west portal will go in two directions, so be sure to get to the portal before they run off so you can pick them up easily.

It's hard to get this one while going for Defenseless, so don't try to get them both at the same time. If the adds during Ichoron's fight reach her, you won't get this achievement. Luckily for you, you can use the switches around the room to kill them before they reach her. Make sure someone is on the ball with that (ideally a DPS) and you'll be golden.

For this one, you simply need to kill all six bosses that can spawn in Violet Hold. It will take multiple runs, but just keep at it and you'll get it eventually. (Granted, this one has nothing to do with gear, but I thought I'd mention it anyways, just for completion's sake.)

Utgarde Keep

On the Rocks
For this one, you need to let your group-mates remain frozen when Prince Keleseth uses Frost Tomb, meaning they will be out of commission for 20 seconds. This is a pretty difficult one if your healer isn't a druid (their HoTs allow the tank to survive a bit longer while the healer is frozen), and with people in the kind of gear they are now, someone may inadvertently break a Frost Tomb without realizing it by using an ability that just happens to hit multiple targets. However, a way to do this that involves a bit of luck is to have a shaman use Frost Resistance Totem or a paladin use Frost Resistance Aura. It is possible to resist Frost Tomb, and if your group resists it every time it is cast, you will get this achievement. You'll need to kill him quickly for that to happen, buy I've seen it done.

Utgarde Pinnacle

King's Bane
King Ymiron is an example of a fight where killing him fast enough prevents him from even using an ability that makes the fight difficult. Kill him fast enough and he'll never be able to use Bane. Simple enough.

So there you go. Sadly, most groups probably won't want to go for the more complex achievements, so if you were hoping to try to get Glory of the Hero, you better hope your guild-mates are down for helping you with that.

1 comment:

  1. The way we did "On the rocks" (back when it was harder, but that's not important) was just having an off-spec healer. We decided up front that if the healer got tombed, the elemental shammy would pick up and heal the tank. Worked like a charm (once we stopped accidentally killing the tomb).
