Monday, November 9, 2009

What I would like to see in Cataclysm. Part 3: Grinding

I'm not going to lie: I miss grinding. I'm talking about the kind of grinding where you kill a bunch of enemies over and over again for some end, either a rare drop of to grind a reputation. Remember grinding? It seems to have gone the way of the shaman tank with Wrath of the Lich King: it does still exist, but its really difficult to find, existing only as a remnant of the past. Sure, you can grind for relics of ulduar to increase your Sons of Hodir reputation, but that's pretty much it. I would call the daily quests a new type of grinding (the "daily grind," if you will), but that's another story.

I understand why Blizzard got rid of grinding: most players hated it. Grinding is, by its nature, repetitive, and most players don't enjoy such repetitive activities. (And yet they tolerate doing the same dailies day after day and the same raids week after week. I never understood players.) Grinding can be especially grating if the player is grinding for a low-drop-chance item, since they can be screwed over by the RNG and end up spending days on something that someone else got after two kills, as anyone who has ground for a pet can tell you. Thus the only "good grinding" (some will argue there is no such thing) is the kind with either consistent rewards or where the target item has a high enough drop rate that it feels consistent. Grinding enemies for reputation (as in a direct, rep-for-kill kind of thing) is a good example of this. Perhaps Blizzard could give the factions of Cataclysm both dailies and enemies that can be ground for rep, allowing players to grind for rep as they see fit. This would satisfy both us odd players who enjoy grind and the majority (I think) of players who don't.

Blizzard could also add more pets to the game that are obtained by grinding. I know many players don't like low-drop-chance grind for the reason stated above, but pet collectors are used to that kind of thing, and even embrace it. Perhaps certain enemies could be made to drop crafting recipes as well, with a high enough drop rate that players wouldn't get bored to tears farming them. You could have NPCs in the same zone that would point players out to where the recipes can be farmed; perhaps trade suppliers would fill that role. That way players wouldn't need to depend on wowhead or other such sites to tell them what enemies they need to grind for recipes.

I know this is a short post, but as I have said, I am competing in NaNoWriMo, so that is eating up a lot of my time.


  1. "Perhaps Blizzard could give the factions of Cataclysm both dailies and enemies that can be ground for rep, allowing players to grind for rep as they see fit. This would satisfy both us odd players who enjoy grind and the majority (I think) of players who don't."

    I agree, completely. Basically what they did with "Sporeggar." Unfortunately the killing rep ends well before exalted.

    I loved grinding for Timbermaw rep. Especially when it was for both EXP and rep when I was in my 50's. I used to log on to just grind in Winterspring and I loved seeing 2 bars go up at once (the firewater was a huge plus as well). It was fun counting up my beads and then doing some math to see how many more I needed to rep up again. No fruitful grinds in Wrath that I can think of except pets.

    Also, great post in general, no need to apologize for length when you post 3 times a week. :) I hope to get there soon.

  2. "Also, great post in general, no need to apologize for length when you post 3 times a week."

    My posts are usually longer, and I just want to let people know why they are shorter so they know it isn't a permanent change.
