Monday, July 13, 2009

The blog itself


I am Ardol (my Blogger name is O-Digga, but I will be going by my WoW name instead), a World of Warcraft player who happens to be really into philosophy. Of course, you could tell that from the title text, couldn't you? This is my blog, WoW Philosophized, in which I discuss the game from a philosophical perspective. Knowing I could never keep a daily blog, I have decided to stick to what I am fairly good at: consistency, rather than frequency. Thus comes the different topics.

Monday's posts will be the general miscellaneous posts. Any "housekeeping" posts will go here, as well as favorite links, stories from the real world, and even philosophical analysis or discussions of non-WoW-related things. These are all just ideas, and I don't guarantee any of them.

Wednesday's posts will be advice, tips, and help. Rather than the regular kind of advice that you may get on other blogs (which specs to use, best way to level, weapon A vs. weapon B), my guides will cover general issues that may not get much coverage in other blogs. I plan to include my philosophy in these posts somehow, but they will be more advisory in nature than philosophical.

Friday's posts will be my philosophical musings on WoW. These will be the meat of the blog. I plan to cover a wide range of topics, from design philosophy to simply playing the game. I encourage you to disagree with me in the comments and debate whatever with your fellow commenters.

So, that's the plan. I plan to keep this blog on the down low for a week or two, just to see if I can actually do this. Once I have a good amount of content in here, I'll go more public with it, linking to it on other sites and probably requesting to be posted in's Daily Quest column. And so it begins!

1 comment:

  1. Sounds like a kind of blog I'd like to read.

    A good way to become established as a blogger is to comment a lot on other blogs. (not shamelessly advertiseing, but providing real, relevant comments on the content.)

    Most important of all is to keep writing.

    Appearing in the Daily Quest may give you a lot of hits for one day, but the effect won't last for long.

    Building an audience is a slow process. It takes quite a bit of patience to become a "succesful" blogger (if that is what you're aiming at).

    Anyway: welcome to the Blogosphere!
