Monday, May 10, 2010

Achievements I would like to see added in Cataclysm

With the slew of Cataclysm announcements that have come out in the past week, my mind has been racing with ideas that have manifested themselves in an interesting way: achievements. With so many changes being made to WoW, there are certain achievements I would like to see implemented to correlate with those changes. Note that many of these will be feats of strength; you'll see why once you start reading.

Back in My Day... (feat of strength)
Reached level 58 before the Cataclysm

Cataclysm is going to change the leveling game to make old-world leveling more interesting, so it only makes sense, I think, to honor those of us who leveled through that old content before it was revitalized. Since you can head to Outland when you reach level 58 (and most people do), I think it makes sense to make this achievement only require reaching level 58.

Barefoot, in the Snow, Uphill Both Ways (feat of strength)
Learn the master [or whatever they call the next level of mount skill] riding skill by obtaining a 310% speed mount.

One of the announced changes coming to Cataclysm is that people will be able to buy a new level of riding skill which will upgrade all of their epic flying mounts to 310% flying speed. Those who already have a 310% speed flying mount will receive the skill automatically. Now, sure, getting one of those mounts is an achievement in and off itself (and they all have their own achievements to go along with them), but I think it would be nice of Blizzard to honor those who earned their 310% flying speed upgrade the hard way by working for one of the mounts, and what better way to honor them than with a feat of strength? Considering that these mounts are supposed to be synonymous with the most difficult achievements in the game, I think an overblown title like "Barefoot, in the Snow, Uphill Both Ways" is in order.

Hoofing It (feat of strength)
Earned Explore Eastern Kingdoms and Explore Kalimdor before the Cataclysm

With flying mounts allowed in Azeroth, getting World Explorer is going to be much easier to obtain, so like reaching level 58, I think its only fair to honor those who did it before Catalcysm made it much easier. Considering that ground mounts are slower than flying mounts, I think "Hoofing It" is an appropriate title.

You Can Have It (50 points)
Pass on a mount that drops in a maximum-level dungeon or raid
Title Reward: The Selfless

Granted, this achievement doesn't have anything to do with Cataclysm, but it's still one I wouldn't mind seeing added to the achievements. Were this implemented now, it would go to the people who pass on the Onyxian Drake or the Sartharion drake. Sometimes we get too caught up in our own personal exploits and forget just how important the people around us are, and an achievement like this would serve to encourage people to be a bit more selfless from time to time.


  1. Wouldn't the wording on 'You Can Have It' also apply to the Bronze Drake from CoS? Other than that I like the idea of achievements encouraging more of a group mentality in the 5-Man's. :D

  2. Technically, it would, but the idea behind the achievement is for it to be awarded for passing on low-drop-rate mounts or mounts that are guaranteed drops if you do something really difficult, and the Bronze Drake doesn't really fall into either category. Then again, perhaps there could be one achievement for passing on a 5-man-drop mount and one for passing on a raid-drop mount, and only the one for passing on a raid-drop mount would award the title.
