Saturday, October 17, 2009

What abilities I envy in other classes

I have quite a bit of experience with all of the classes in the game, so I get quite envious of my alts sometimes. Though I love my Druid with all of my heart, there are certain abilities that make me occasionally contemplate switching sides. But as soon as this happens, one certain ability that my Druid has keeps me playing him in lieu of one of my alts. I'll tell you what ability that is at the end of this post, but first I'll go over the abilities I envy in my alts, in order of how much I envy them.

10. Mages: Teleport: Dalaran
As much as I would love to be able to summon my own food, the fact is that I rarely use food on my druid aside from for the buffs, so teleportation spells take the cake in this case. I picked Dalaran since it is the most convenient place to teleport to, but I would love to be able to teleport to any capital city of my choice. That said, Dalaran has portals to all of them, which is why I put this ability so low.

9. Warlocks: Ritual of Summoning
I don't think I need to explain this one. As someone who has run Violet Hold countless times (VH is located in Dalaran, and as such does not have a summoning stone), an ability like this would prove incredibly invaluable.

8. Paladins: Crusader Aura
As awesome as Divine Shield is, I really just wish I could travel as fast as Paladins can. It's a simple, almost petty jealousy, I know, but sometimes even my Netherdrake isn't fast enough for me.

7. Warriors: Shield Wall
As much as I appreciate Barkskin, the fact is that sometimes we need more than just 20% damage reduction. Why we Druids don't have a better defensive cooldown is beyond me, but as long as we don't, I will still envy this ability.

6. Death Knights: Pestilence
I was tempted to put Death Grip instead of Pestilence, but if I could spread my bleed effects from enemy to enemy, that would be fantastic. Think about how great it would be to be able to stack lacerate on one enemy, then spread it to all of his friends. The thought of it makes me shake with delight, quite honestly, which is probably why Blizzard gave an ability like this to Death Knights and not us Druids.

5. Priests: Wands
Since there aren't any Priest abilities that I really envy, wands are a good choice. Why? Because I have always wished for a mana-free way to cause of bit of damage while healing in tree form when my party vastly out-gears the instance. Melee-ing in tree form is a really bad idea, and shifting out to use moonfire means loosing healing efficiency. I really wish we could do something like wanding an enemy, but unfortunately, we have no such option.

4. Rogues: Vanish
As a Night Elf Druid, I do have Shadowmeld, but it pales in every way to Vanish, aside from the cooldown. Shadowmeld doesn't remove threat or allow for movement, and let me tell you, though it's great to be able to disappear while healing and reappear to rez everyone after a wipe, an ability like this would make it even better. Come on, Blizz, make it happen!

3. Hunters: Tame Beast
Though I picked this ability specifically, my actual jealousy is for hunters' ability to have pets. As a master of turning into an animal, shouldn't it be easy for me to recruit animals to fight on my side? Although pets are more disposable than they used to be since Blizzard abolished the loyalty system, when I first leveled my Hunter, I had a pretty deep connection with my pet. I had to earn his trust, and as an animal lover, to be able to experience that kind of virtual relationship again would be quite enjoyable.

2. Shamans: Reincarnation
When I spend time on my shaman, there is no ability I love more than this one. It's convenience while leveling cannot be overstated, and though it certainly finds less use at the level cap (keep in mind I don't raid or PvP much), it would still be incredibly useful for those bad runs and subsequent wipes when Shadowmeld doesn't do the trick.

And now for the ability that keeps me playing my Druid; the ability that, unless Blizzard adds a similar ability to another class, ensures that I will never permanently reroll.

1. Swift Flight Form
God, do I ever love this ability. I can collect herbs in this form without needing to "dismount," and the same applies for collecting items for certain quests. This allows me to be an actual "rolfcopter" as I fly away as the enemies try to attack me, allowing me to try a different position to pick up the herb from. The fact that I can use it in air means that I can jump off high ledges and use it to save time and my Druid's life. I can also use this "rofl fall" ability (name is my own) to save time when I need to fly over a mountain to get to the other side and then get to the ground quickly. But most importantly, this ability can be cast instantly. As much as I love looking at my Onyx Netherdrake, sometimes I just don't have that 1.5 seconds to mount up and fly away. That's when Swift Flight Form comes in. Perhaps it's only because us Burning Cruade-era Druids had to work for Swift Flight Form that we love it so much, but regardless, it is incredible. Here's to you, Swifty!

Insert some clichéd song lyric about flying free here.

And that's it. Sorry to all of you other classes that don't have our awesome raven form, but just remember, each of you has something that I envy as well.

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